Silly Pinterest and possibly other ads for my curriculum are showing up as “Out of Stock” if I add the link to my shop in the description. Apparently it’s a thing and no one knows why or how to fix it. So I’ll just use […]
Toddler Curriculum!
Welcome to my 40 week Toddler Curriculum! This curriculum in divided into 40 weeks which cover A-Z, colors, Bible stories from Creation to Paul, and all major holidays in-between. Each week will have a theme that includes a letter, a color, and a Bible story and several activities that are related to the theme. For each Bible story, I include what I have called a “repeatable phrase” which will be a short, relatable phrase that sums up the main point of the story in words that make sense to little ones. My lesson plans are designed with activities that not only include every area of child development but also tie the concepts together to reinforce learning and retention by making connections and following up with repetition (in a way that is as fun as possible for all involved I go back to watch the videos and laugh uncontrollably all the time). Come check it out!
Toddler Curriculum Week 2 Free Sample!!!
Welcome to my Toddler Curriculum! I created this curriculum from my years of experience and a desire to share with those who will love it! If you are a toddler teacher, or a stay at home parent/guardian who wants to do preschool at home – I made all this for you!!!!!! This is week 2 of my 40 week curriculum and I’ve made it completely free along with any downloadable materials included so you can know what you’d be getting if you purchase my full curriculum Check it out and enjoy! I hope you love what you see and decide my curriculum is worth trying – or that you share it with someone you know will love it and use it!
Life Update!
Just wanted to put up a quick post to explain why I haven’t posted lately and why my summer curriculum has been delayed: Here she is! The best excuse in the world Once I figure out how to do anything other than stare at […]
Protected: Toddler Curriculum Week 40 – Graduation!
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Protected: Toddler Curriculum Week 39!
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Protected: Toddler Curriculum Week 38!
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Protected: Toddler Curriculum Week 37!
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Protected: Toddler Curriculum Week 36 – Easter Week!
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Protected: Toddler Curriculum Week 35- Spring and the King have come!
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Protected: Toddler Curriculum Week 34!
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Protected: Toddler Curriculum Week 33!
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Protected: Toddler Curriculum Week 30 – Celebration of Reading and Rhyme!
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