DIY Valentine’s Chocolate Hearts!

Rather than just exchanging pre-made chocolates, why not share the experience of making them together???

Cooking together is a great social/emotional experience and since there is measuring, melting, scooping etc. you are experiencing math, science and fine motor concepts!

Given the current covid climate, this one might be best left at home between families ๐Ÿ˜‰ but hopefully one day it could again be a super fun class party activity!

I used this heart shaped metal cookie cutter for our mold – I only bought one and regretted it lol the chocolate doesn’t solidify fast enough for you to remove the mold and use it again, so I highly recommend getting multiple molds otherwise you have to wait a long time in-between ๐Ÿ˜‰

Next you melt your chocolate – and learn from another of my mistakes and don’t use Hershey’s kisses. They don’t melt in the microwave. Apparently they bake…and not in a pleasant way lol

On wax paper, let your kiddos scoop the chocolate into the mold.

This is working all kinds of fine motor muscles!

Add some sprinkles for some color ๐Ÿ˜‰

Look at him using his fine motor muscles to pick up EVERY SINGLE SPRINKLE…we were there for a while hahahahaha

We decided to try out some white chocolate too and mixed in some red food coloring to make a nice Valentine’s day pink!

Math moment! – Don’t pass up this opportunity to show them how red + white = pink!

And while we wait for them to solidify (on a tray in the freezer works best!) why not enjoy a little bit of sensory? ๐Ÿ˜€

He would have eaten that whole bowl if I’d let him lol

Here are the best of our special Valentine’s Day chocolates!

For the middle one I used the mold for another dark chocolate without cleaning off the white chocolate around the rim and I got this super cool looking creation!

Makes me think of all kinds of cool mixing experiments we could do with this next time!

Stay sweet!

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