Rainbow Fruit Loops and Marshmallow Treat!

Need a sweet treat for a St. Patty’s day party and want to throw in a little math and fine motor?

This is a simple little treat that can get your kiddos involved in the creation of what they will enjoy while engaging their fine motor skills and practicing colors and patterns!

It also will REALLY work their powers of self-control as they resist eating it until it’s done ๐Ÿ˜€

Start by sticking the end of a pipe cleaner into a marshmallow – I’ve also seen this done with straws, but if you do it that way just make sure you have a brand of fruit loops that a straw will fit through (fyi Great Value Walmart brand do not). Also, a straw won’t bend to make the rainbow arc – however, it all tastes the same ๐Ÿ™‚

Start adding the colors according to the rainbow.

I have a confession – I didn’t have my friend here do them by colors. This was his treat after a full day of me working rainbow patterns with him and I wanted to give his brain a break. So I made the patterned one and let him go freestyle ๐Ÿ™‚

If you do have them add according to the rainbow pattern, you can start by separating out equal numbers of each color into matching color bowls like these:

Or if your kiddo is ready for a challenge you can give them a baggie of all the pieces and have them count out equal numbers of each color.

Keep adding by color, working those little muscles in their fingers and wrists as well as eye-hand coordination…

…and then show off your rainbows!

If you’ve used a pipe cleaner you can take the opportunity to teach them the “arc” or “semi-circle” shape!

Then, to your kiddo’s relief…you can finally eat them ๐Ÿ˜€


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