Happy St. Patty’s Day!

You’ve found the four-leaf clover…

…followed the rainbow…

…and the day is finally here!

I hope you’re celebrating in true toddler style!

Here are some highlights from my class last year of how we got in the green mood, got all dressed up, and partied in fabulous tot fashion πŸ™‚

Scroll to get ideas…or just to adore my adorable friends πŸ˜€

They won’t disappoint πŸ˜‰

We started out hands first!

A simple sensory activity with shaving cream and green paint!

You could add in math by putting dots of blue and dots of yellow paint to show them that blue + yellow = green!

They can draw or write…

…share with their friends :D…

…or just plain spread it!

Once the messy activity was complete, we got dressed up St. Patty’s day style πŸ˜‰

Yah, she knows she lookin good πŸ˜€

Love how she’s cheesin at herself in the mirror πŸ™‚

He’s amazed at how good he looks πŸ˜‰

So dapper!

What a bunch of cheese balls πŸ˜€

AAAHHHHHHH!!!!! So many beautiful faces!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can’t handle it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Next, using a paper plate, orange crayon, and some construction paper, I made a leprechaun hat/mask for them πŸ™‚

If the tall hat keeps falling over, take a popsicle stick and glue one end to the back of the plate, and the rest to the hat. This will hold it up straight!

Some had a little trouble with the concept lol

Others worked it…

…though she clearly prefers the “real” thing πŸ˜‰

To set the mood, I had Irish fiddle music playing the whole day (I’ve even brought my violin in and played for them).

…it was the highlight of their day because those kids love to bust a move!

And it used up all the sugar they ate from the party snacks!!!!!!!!!!! πŸ˜€

Notice a trend????

Clearly it’s marshmallows for the win lol

Although this cereal piece won the day πŸ˜€ He’s so concerned about where it went!

I hope you enjoyed this peek into our fun!

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