Washing feet!

Our second stop on our journey with Jesus through His last week on Earth was Jesus washing the disciples feet!

I LOVE this activity because not only is it ridiculously cute to see the kiddos do, but it is a great activity to positively re-enforce doing nice things for their friends! (Social/Emotional development!)

I have them take turns in pairs, so the child who washes another’s feet will then have their feet washed by that same child, re-enforcing how good it is to give as you’ve received πŸ™‚

While they are doing it I am constantly saying “Oh that’s so nice!” “You’re so nice to help your friends!” “You’re helping your friend just like Jesus!”

And they LOVE it!

Our repeatable phrase for this activity is “Jesus loves to help His friends!”

(as I said in the main Easter Journey with Jesus post, I always summarize the main point of the story into a short phrase using words the kiddos already have some understanding of to make the story more relatable to them! I find this way leads to way more retention than trying to do a whole memory verse at this age, because even if they can memorize the whole verse, they may not understand what they are repeating back to you.)

I give them the picture to color, and I hang it up next to where we will do the activity so they can look at it and make the connection to what they are doing!

I do not have the rights to this coloring page! I just took a Bible coloring page and added my text πŸ™‚

So, this post is really special to me…

…because what you’re seeing is three generations of my past students 😍😍😍😍

starting with the oldest to the most recent! How cute is that?????πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–πŸ’–

These two are actually twins so naturally I had to pair them together!

Though they didn’t need a lesson on helping each other…

…because they were always taking care of each other! πŸ‘«

You can see their love all over their faces πŸ₯°

“Just like Jesus!”

This last year I finally wised up…

…and started taking videos 😁


They are just too cute I can’t even 😍😍😍😍😍

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