Sneaky Sneaky eggs…


It’s time for the classic egg hunt!…with a little Ms. Jerica twist πŸ˜‹

Rain or shine, I always do an egg hunt!

If we can go outside it certainly makes for beautiful pictures!

Look at these beauties! 🀩

But if, like in a few years past, it actually decided to SNOW on Easter…we stayed indoors.

Which allows me to get tricky with my egg hiding πŸ˜‰

I first coined the phrase “sneaky sneaky eggs” which after later scavenger hunts became “sneaky sneaky Ms. Jerica”. Once I discovered how INCREDIBLY ADORABLE they are when they say “sneaky,” along my predisposition for silliness, “sneaky sneaky Ms. Jerica” just really stuck πŸ˜„

I dare you to listen to this and not fall in love with her saying “neaky neaky!” 😍

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