Easter Egg Language, Math, and Sensory!

Don’t put those plastic Easter eggs away yet!

Easter eggs are an amazing tool, because they can open, come apart or stay linked, come in various colors, shapes and sizes, be used as scoops or shakers and more!

Here’s a sensory bin using all those leftover eggs that can develop language, math and sensory skills!

Start out by making some green rice – super easy – just put some uncooked rice in a plastic bag, add green watercolors or food coloring, mix until the color is what you want and let dry!

Next add some of those jelly beans you (hopefully) have left over from all the Easter candy 😁

Now for the eggs!

There are so many combinations you can do – because each egg has a matching top and bottom, they create the perfect opportunity for any kind of learning through matching – for example:

Matching upper and lower case letters!

If your kiddos are just starting to do letter case matching, you can leave the top and bottom halves of the eggs linked, that way they can begin to make the connection that the letters that are physically linked must be linked in other ways!

Once they are ready for a challenge, you can detach the halves to make them search for the matching letters.

Depending on what skill you want to practice, you can do pretty much any matching combinations – matching color to the color names, shape pictures to shape names, number symbols with number names, and even teaching other languages!

I made a set that matches the English colors to the Hindi colors!

Aside from the matching, the eggs are also a great fine motor tool for scooping, pouring and pinching

and the actual opening and closing of Easter eggs is a real fine motor challenge!

I believe this face is mid “opppppppppen” 😄

As always a rice sensory bin is a great place for our trusty STEM fine motor tools!

He thought it would be funny to smell it for some reason 😂

And of course there’s the good old-fashioned way to experience a rice sensory bin: hands first!

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