Welcome to my blog!

My name is Jerica, and I’ve been teaching tots for many many years! Check out my About Me page to learn more…well…about me lol

I’ve been thinking about how much I wish I could share the experiences and ideas I’ve collected over the years – and that’s when I discovered blogs! (Yes, I know discovering blogs this late in the game is kinda sad 😀 )

I would love to be a resource to all the toddler teachers, parents of tots, and those of you who have as a result of the pandemic suddenly found yourself entering the world of home schooling your tot!

I’ve heard people say “Oh, you just play with kids all day?”……well, yes…..but no 😀

We are teaching them every minute of every day! I realized early on what a privilege it is to be such a major source of information and experience, and if you’re reading this I assume you also know how important of a role you play in the learning and development of the kids in your lives!

In these first years their little brains are developing at a rate we can barely keep up with! They are constantly absorbing information and every experience they have shapes their development. Knowing this, I’ve created all of my lessons to incorporate a wide range of developmental areas to help my students grow not just mentally, but also emotionally and physically! Every day I include activities that link together several key areas:

  • Art
  • Language
  • Sensory
  • Science
  • Math
  • Social Emotional
  • Fine Motor
  • Gross Motor

Sounds complicated, right?

It doesn’t have to be!

One simple painting project can knock out almost the whole list if you know how to do it!

And that is what I would love to do for you – make learning and development simple, creative, inexpensive (what do you already have around the classroom or house?), and most of all – fun for both you and your kiddos!

So “bare” with me!…This might get messy <3

Want to connect? You can subscribe to get notified of new posts or check me out on Twitter, Instagram or Pinterest! You can also share this blog on Facebook to help get the word out!

P.S. if you see something weird on this website let me know – I’m a website newbie 😀

Just taking it one barefoot step at a time 😉

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2 thoughts on “Welcome to my blog!

  1. So awesome Jerica!! Thank you for doing the ‘ leg work’ AND for letting others know that fun and learning happen when “ you get messy” its all a part of it!!! Blessings

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