Pumpkin Guts!

Simple and classic!

I’m sure this idea is nothing new, and there’s no big secrets I reveal here – but if you love cute pictures of kiddos doing sensory play with a little humor thrown in read on!!! πŸ˜€

I like to give it to them whole πŸ˜‰ just cut it open and let them explore!

He tentatively took a peek…doesn’t look like he found what he expected πŸ˜€

Looks like she found the cave of wonders in there!

Gazing on their new found treasures…

I love leaving all the hanging goop on the lid…

… no better part to try to tickle them with! πŸ˜€

Its like a sci-fi movie creature!

Here they go!

Some will venture in boldly…

…others may be hesitant…


Shock and awe! πŸ˜€

My last class was pretty hesitant, so a little gentle encouragement was necessary…

…I tried my best.

She’s literally hiding from it…

…I don’t even know what this was hahaha

Hope you enjoyed their faces πŸ˜€

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