When Pumpkins Hit the Hay!

My kiddos LOVE pumpkins! Cannot stop talking about them! So I always try to find as many creative combinations of pumpkin sensory tables as possible.

Here is a super simple and so very midwestern pumpkin sensory table πŸ˜‰

Note of caution: if any kiddos (or you) have allergies you may not want to do this one! At toddler age you may not know they have allergies yet – if they get really stuffy around harvest time its very possible they would get stuffy after playing with this.

I will be posting soon an alternative to this that still uses the pumpkins but is much more allergy friendly πŸ™‚

They went straight for the pumpkins first…

Yes those are my shoes in the background…barefoot all the way! πŸ˜€

…the prickly hay took some warming up.

“Hay! Hay hay hay hay!” “Yes, friend it’s hay” πŸ˜€

On the ground it goes…and they followed πŸ˜€

Once they really got into it, the hay started flying!

This next picture looks like the kid on the right is moving the hay with his mind…so magical πŸ˜€

You can also add some corn either full cob or kernels for fine motor skills, add gourds, acorns or leaves etc. Anything harvest related to dress it up πŸ™‚ You could also take it outside and not have to worry about clean up πŸ˜‰

I have also paired this activity with our letter H week and done Hay is for Horses! It definitely looked like a barn afterwards lol

You can tell they enjoyed it πŸ™‚

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