Halloween Week in My Class!

Happy Halloween!

My family always went all out for Halloween – especially my grandpa – he’s the guy who fills the porch with motion-detecting decorations that pop up or sing 😀

My house growing up was always covered in decorations – pumpkins and cats in every corner! And I had the BEST costumes!

I love bringing that festive atmosphere into my classroom! We had pumpkin lights, pumpkin decorations, pumpkin activities, candy, candy corn activities, spiders, spider activities, a singing and dancing black cat from my grandpa…

His name is Chester and the kids CANNOT get enough of him!

I set it on its sensor setting and taught them they just need to go “knock knock” on the counter and he will sing and dance – as you can imagine he was going all day 😀

…and of course…


How do I look? 😀

She told me to stop smiling…this was the best I could do

The kiddos were all smiles too!

Her costume didn’t last long hahaha

These smiles are what it’s all about <3

Here’s a look into our fun this week!

These mini pumpkins have been in our sensory bins all month – now they finally get to make them their own!

And speaking of pumpkins…

My favorite “mad scientist” face 😀

See more on my “Pumpkin Guts” post! Click below!

Click this picture!

We played with my new invention: Candy Corn Rice!

For the “how-to” for making your own Candy Corn Rice, click below!

Click this picture!

For another cute candy corn activity try out this adorable footprint craft!

For the “how-to” for making this craft, click below!

Click this picture!

We took one of their favorite songs and had a day full of “Itsy Bitsy Spiders!”

For more the “how-to” for this spider sensory table (and more adorable pictures) and our adorable spider handprint craft, click below!

Click this picture!

And lastly for some TP fun…

…we became toilet paper mummies!

For more adorable tp mummy pictures, click below!

Click this picture!

How did your class celebrate Halloween week? How did you celebrate at home? Comment below!!!!!

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