Happy Thanksgiving!

Thanksgiving is coming!!!!!

I know y’all love Christmas but lets take a moment to give Thanksgiving its day!

This post is your one-stop-shop for all things Thanksgiving!

I have compiled several Thanksgiving crafts and activities and added some pictures of a Thanksgiving celebration in my class 😀

Holiday crafts and activities sometimes become just about the festivity – but I will walk you through in each post how that activity hits the major areas of toddler development and learning!

Here we go!

Click the picture!

Thanksgiving Memory Game Flashcards! – Download this set of Thanksgiving themed flashcards to bring together several areas of you kiddo’s development! This set develops language, math, fine and gross motor, and social/emotional skills all in one game!

Click the picture!

Sticky Turkey Craft! – A cute sensory art project that develops sensory, fine motor and language while allowing your kiddos to express their creativity to create a beautifully unique Thanksgiving turkey!

Click the picture!

Hand and Footprint Turkey! – A simple and classic keepsake craft for Thanksgiving that also includes sensory, math, and social/emotional learning!

Click the picture!

Playdough Pumpkin Pie! – A fun Thanksgiving sensory activity to do with your kiddos! I’ll also walk you through how this activity hits almost every area of developmental learning!

Click the picture!

Pumpkin Pie Sensory Bin! – Ready to set the Thanksgiving mood with the delicious scent of cinnamon and nutmeg???? Look no further than this great activity for sensory and fine motor skill development!

Click the picture!

Printable Thanksgiving card – just add a picture of a silly smile and a note of why you are thankful for this silly turkey! Since Thanksgiving is about being thankful, this gift is a perfect opportunity to express to the kiddos and their parents how thankful you are to be sharing life with them!

Keep scrolling and you’ll see ideas for a great Thanksgiving party! Plus, you know, cute pictures 😀

I have had some amazing Thanksgiving parties!

I am actually known for my parties – but I can’t take the credit at all! Families have come and brought the most amazing Thanksgiving meals for us to share! I even had one amazing family give both me and my assistant our own whole smoked turkey!!!!!

I always style it like a potluck and ask the parents to bring in something that is a must have for their family Thanksgiving.

Watching the kiddos try the new foods is always entertaining…last year a whole slice of pumpkin pie ended up face down on the floor. We thought it was a bad sign but apparently second time was the charm 😀

Sadly I’m guessing covid won’t be allowing a family party this year but the next two parts are definites!

Turkey costumes!!!!!!

Nothing beats a good old paper bag costume 😀

Next…a gem I am incredibly proud to say my non-crafty electrical engineer hubby thought up and created all by himself…

😀 How great is that????

I was really so proud…he even bought googly eyes (without thinking to ask his toddler teacher wife who most definitely had some lol)

Just add a little tape to the back of the feathers and that’s it!

He made it for a college ministry we served in, so it is meant to be done with a blindfold… but you can choose whether your kiddos are ready for that challenge 😀

Here’s my little buddy, creating his art!

Look how proud he is of his creation!!!! 😀

Just too cute 😀

And last but definitely not least…


Click here to be transported to the life of the party – a dancing turkey who does the hokey pokey (a great song for teaching names of body parts while using gross motor skills btw!)

Also…because it will make your kids’ day…here is a link to a video of 10 hrs of turkey gobble. I know, I know but really they did not get tired of it! In fact they seemed to escalate with every gobble 😀

Happy Thanksgiving!

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