Pumpkin Pie Rice Sensory Bin!

Ready to set the Thanksgiving mood with the delicious scent of cinnamon and nutmeg????

Look no further!

Remember that candy corn rice sensory bin I posted? Time to repurpose!

First you’ll need the candy corn colored rice – if you haven’t made it already you can click here to see the instructions.

Once the rice is done and dry, sprinkle in some cinnamon and nutmeg (as much as you want to smell 😉 ), and add some festive extras like cinnamon sticks, acorns, leaves, and other fall colored items (the more variation you can have in size and texture the better!)

For some extra sensory fun and kiddo participation, you can take them on a scavenger hunt to find the ingredients! My kiddos helped me find all the acorns and pinecones.

PSA – in case you didn’t know (like I didn’t) you can’t add acorns straight from outside. You have to wash and bake them first just in case there are litter critters inside. For baking instructions click here.

Same goes for pinecones – instructions for baking here 🙂

Add it all together, and you’re ready to go!

Rice is a great sensory item because it is safe, versatile, and perfect for practicing fine motor skills!

All the pinching, scooping, pouring etc. is working all those tiny muscles in their fingers and wrists!

I think she recognized the acorns from our hunt!

Adding the cinnamon and nutmeg adds the sensory factor of smell to this activity…and it smells AMAZING!

I think they agree…they kept putting their whole face in it to smell 😀

Make sure you monitor their degree of sniffing – rice up the nose is not a fun learning experience 😉

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