
Need a super cute and easy to make Christmas keepsake????

Look no further than this classic <3

All you need to do is make two footprints like this with the foot painted green and the toes red:

If you want tips on how to make footprint painting a breeze take a quick look at my candy corn feet post here ๐Ÿ˜€

You can take these footprints and use them however you want – a card, a wall hanging, tree decoration, a wreath – but this is what I usually do:

I measure out a square frame of about 7 inches (just right for 2yr old feet ๐Ÿ˜‰ )…

…and glue it to a red square of about 7.5 in glued inside a green square of about 8.5 in.

*Like I said – size and style of frame is completely up to you!*

Add a little bow to “top” it off lol see what I did there ๐Ÿ˜€

And you have an adorable keepsake!

I usually write the child’s name ( “Jerica’s Mistle-toes!”) in a curve under the toes and the date (“Christmas 2020”) on the frame ๐Ÿ™‚

So simple, yet so incredibly cute!

*If you want to challenge yourself and make “real” mistletoe – cut out the footprints and paint again on the back taking care to place the feet exactly, tie a ribbon to the top and hang from a door frame!* ๐Ÿ˜€

Here’s a kiss from my friends to yours!

*Move the slider on the photo :D*

The first of many under these Mistle-toes <3

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